ParentPay is the online system to pay securely for school items online at a time convenient for you, such as school meals, trips, camps or other school events. We also use ParentPay to send home all school letters.
Click on the logo above for the link.
You also need to use ParentPay to give permission for trips. If you are not new to the school, your account should already be activated. However, if you are new to the school or have not yet activated your account, you must go to the school office for an ‘activation letter’. This letter will clearly explain what you need to do to activate your account.
If you are eligible for Free School Meals, then you will not have to pay for trips or camps and so may have decided not to activate your account. However, if in the future you need to use ParentPay, simply go to the school office for your ‘activation letter’.
If you do not have a bank account, then you can still use ParentPay at any PayPoint, found at many shops and post offices. To do this you need to get a bar code from the school office.
Every child that goes on any school trip needs a consent form signed by a parent/carer in order that they can go, even if the trip is free. The consent form is now completed online using ParentPay so please ensure that when you receive a letter for a trip, you pay online (if applicable) and give consent at the same time. If you do not have access to Parent Pay, please come in to the school office and notify the staff so that they can put the authorisation on for you. Unfortunately, we are unable to take any child who does not have consent on a trip.
Due to the constraints on budgets, if we do not receive enough money in to pay for a trip, it may have to be cancelled.