Overview and Knowledge organisers
Term |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
1 |
Where are we from? |
2 |
3 |
Volcanoes, |
Comparison: |
Where in the world are we? |
4 |
5 |
Human & physical features – Ashton Court Bristol. |
6 |
At Knowle Park, Geography encourages a curiosity and fascination about the world we live in. Children are inspired to ask questions and find answers about the world around them, applying the geographical skills and knowledge they have been taught. Our children will leave our school with an excitement to further explore and become responsible global citizens with an understanding of the importance of sustainability and the environment. Children will be provided with opportunities to improve skills through trial and error within a supportive environment.
Through the curriculum, pupils will gain an understanding of where they are within the UK and the world, cultivating a sense of belonging and togetherness. They will learn about and use the local area to draw comparisons with other localities and will build an awareness of global issues, recognize diversity and understand that people have a different quality of life living in different locations and environments. Pupils will also develop skills in using fieldwork to observe, measure and record.
Every Geography unit should have:
- A front cover which will include:
- a Geographical question that enables children to tackle real geography concepts relating to the how and why of our world.
- A space for them to answer the question.
- The KPPS logo.
- All significant people linked to that unit (BAME/Geographers)
- All local links.
- All visitors, trips or workshops for that unit.
- All Eco links for that unit.
- All reading material or cross curricular links for that unit.
- A knowledge organiser
- Locational knowledge- identify where a location is in the world
- Place knowledge- understand the human and physical geography of a place
- Human and physical geography- understand the differences and some key aspects
- Geographical skills and field work- use maps and mapping skills, and field work to observe, measure, record and present
- An assessment/quiz
The first lesson:
- Must recap prior learning using the KO from a previous year.
- A stimulus or hook to engage the children.
- After the stimulus, introduce the KO and the vocabulary and definitions.
- Cover sheet and KO needs to be stuck into the books.
Every lesson should have:
- Oracy starters which are linked to the lesson (This should be a quick discussion to engage all learners). Concept cartoons are another way to create discussion.
- Recap prior learning from the previous lesson(s) (Use images from KO to do this).
- Weekly recap vocabulary from the unit. (Can be snipped from KO)
- Practical lessons – Geography must be taught through a practical means as much as possible.
- Plenty of discussion and higher order thinking.
All books should have:
- The vision and pupil voice on the front cover.
- A title and date underlined for every lesson.
Every practical lesson should have:
- A photograph/image. (Children can explain their learning easier when looking at a photograph).
- A focussed recording
- At the end of the lesson children need to explain their learning (orally or written).
This will link to the lesson (title, oracy and practical lesson).
- Research lessons should have children explaining their learning in their own words.
- An assessment/quiz
The children at KPPS will:
- Develop their geographical knowledge and skills to help them explore, navigate and understand the world around them and their place in it.
- Understand the impact others have on our world.
- Understand the importance and valuable contributions that they could make as informed global citizens which will impact and shape their future.
- Understand the importance in working towards a more sustainable world.
- Be able to discuss world issues such as climate change and the impact it has on different places and people.