Knowle Park Primary School

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Queenshill Road, Knowle Park, Bristol BS4 2XG


Knowle Park Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Maths




At Knowle Park Primary School, we recognise that mathematics is a fundamental skill which underpins so many aspects of everyday life. Our mathematics curriculum is aimed to equip children to become fluent in number, confident in their mathematical reasoning and able to solve problems with resilience. Our aim is to make mathematics engaging and enjoyable and to prepare children for secondary school and beyond.

From Early Years, we begin to develop basic number skills by using manipulatives and patterns to build solid foundations in the concept of number.

Throughout Key stage 1 and 2, we build upon these foundations to develop children’s fluency in number to equip them with a range a strategies to solve increasingly complex problems confidently. At Knowle Park Primary School, we create an environment in which it is safe to make mistakes using a range of teaching methods. Mathematics across the school is taught using pictorial and concrete resources before moving onto abstract representations, and children are given the chance to develop knowledge through being taught in small, sequential steps. 



Every Maths unit should have: 

  • Clear progression
  • Clear objectives that are well thought through from the Whiterose curriculum.
  • Manipulatives used to support and embed learning where appropriate.
  • Support given to children to enable them to succeed
  • Appropriate challenge within the year group expectations
  • Opportunity to develop fluency skills
  • Opportunity to develop reasoning skills
  • Opportunity to develop problem solving skills



The children at KPPS will:

  • Have an understanding of a range of different mathematical concepts to apply to different problems
  • Understand the value in making a mistake
  • Have a passion for the subject of maths and will have the ability to challenge themselves when appropriate.
  • Be motivated and inspired to become the best mathematicians they can be