Knowle Park Primary School

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Knowle Park Primary School

  1. Parent/Carers
  2. EAL support

EAL support for parent/carers at home

This is a great web site to practice English in an engaging and fun way.

Have a go!

This website gives your child the opportunity to learn and speak English more fluently.

Sign up and have a go at the listen and watch, speak and spell and fun and games sections.

This is a fantastic site where you can share stories written in lots of different languages.
You can:
Write a short summary of the story.
Draw the main characters and write a description of them.
Look for unfamiliar words and look them up in a dictionary or discuss them with your family.
Write a similar story using the main character.
Read the story aloud using expression.

Finally some more useful resources from Better Bilingual.

The have lots of home-language resources, such as this maths worksheet in Urdu.