Teacher: Mrs MacFarlane
LSA: Mrs Groza and Mrs Rees
Teacher: Mrs Trott & Mrs Lewis.
LSA: Mrs Bonner
Teacher: Mr Ryan.
LSA: Mrs Aplin
Welcome to Reception in Knowle Park Primary School where your journey begins!
We are so excited to spend time with your children and getting to know them individually. We have lots of exciting learning and events planned for this academic year and are looking forward to sharing them with each of you.
Our classes are called Clownfish, Jellyfish and Angelfish and we share a great outdoor classroom together where the children can explore a range of activities based on their interests.
Please see our curriculum path for details of our topics, events and key dates for the term. If you think you have any skills or experiences that would support the children in their learning, please speak to your class teachers. This really does enhance their learning.
Click Here for our Term 6 homework project
Home Learning
Reception children have a home learning book. A piece of home learning is sent out every Friday for the children to complete by the following Wednesday. The activities support the Phonics, Maths or topic that we have been learning that week.
Click HERE for the Reception Team's Welcome Booklet, telling you about all things YR, including what's going on in Term 1 and how you can get involved.